Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Easy Easter Egg Craft!

Looking for a simple messy free Easter Craft? This is by far one of the easiest I have done.

We started with some clear contact, I cut it into large rectangles and then folded it firmly to make a crease in the middle. Open half of the contact up to the creased point and then added pre-cut mosaic squares (tissue paper would also work well). Once the children had enough decorating we shook off any loose squares and covered them over with the remaining contact. An adult then cut them into Egg Shapes and there it is Ta Da! Easy peasy Easter Eggs!

Miss L very carefully choosing where to place her squares and working on some great Fine Motor Skills!

Miss A adding lots of colour.

Folding the contact over and pressing it down firmly. 

So easy even Miss S was keen to give this one a go!

Miss A very proud of her finished Easter Egg.

Master E showing off his handy work.
A very proud Miss G!

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