Wednesday 12 February 2014

Valentine's Day Tape Resist Canvas Heart Art

We are loving all things Valentine's Day at the moment. There is just so much fun crafting to be had with hearts! Today we made some Valentine's Day canvas prints for Daddy to take to work.

Here is what you need:
Dot Painters (We used Paint Box Brand)
White Paper
Canvases (I brought some from a cheap shop for $3 each)
Sticky Tape

We started by drawing hearts on some paper and cutting them out. I then used some low tack tape to tape the hearts in place on the canvas so they wouldn't more around.

I then let the toddler times loose with the dot painters.

It is important to remember to make sure the is an overlap around the edge of the heart so that when you remove the heart, you can see the resist line.

We then made sure that we filled as much of the canvas as possible with more dots for extreame effect! Once we were happy with the way the canvases we removed the hearts. 
Miss M and her very spotty heart resist ready to give to Daddy.

Master E and his brilliant Heart Art!

Hope you enjoyed! Happy Valentines Day!

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