Wednesday 18 April 2012

Cooking in the Garden

Master E is in love with cooking at the moment so we decided since it was a beautiful day that we should have some cooking in the garden play.

This is what we started with, some muffin trays, plastic eggs, frying pans, buckets, platter, wooden spoons and egg cups.

Then we added the pinecones.

Straight away Master E started cooking!

Here he is flipping his pancake.

We apparently needed a stove so I brought out an old coffee table which did the trick and also added some egg cartons.

There was a lot of sorting.

Miss M loved the pinecones. She liked running her hands over them and kept calling them apples.
The "cookies" were baking under the bench seat.

Some more sorting. This kept Master E busy for a very long time. He opened all the eggs and put them into the muffin tray. He had more pieces than spots in the tin, so much rotating was done.

Miss M trying to put the eggs back together.

Those pesky eggs still won't all fit!

Miss M enjoyed dropping the eggs onto the platter as they would spin around. This kept her entertained for quiet awhile.

Miss M cooking her eggs.

Cooking on the stove.

Once they were cooked they had to go for a walk to the shops!

This kept both Miss M and Master E busy for a very long time. They had lots of fun sorting and baking all kinds of goodies. We will be playing this one again soon!

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